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RubHer Yellow Ducky 11-05-2008 06:24 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!
A major factor which gave the nod to Obama is because you had SOME people vote because of the color of his skin....

If those people could have said...Yes I like his platform or his economic stradegy is to my liking, or some substantial reason I could understand but to vote because he is a Black Man with no experience, that is plain wrong!!!!

KenP 11-05-2008 06:24 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by Ed G.
Bush is, was and will always be a idiot. He was the President so he is ultimately resposible for all that happened on his watch, especially the last 4 years.

That's the way it works out, especially with the liberal media when Republican holds office.

People forget it's Congress that writes the legislation and spends the money, not the President.

Bush's biggest problem is he never found his veto pen.

ROX 11-05-2008 06:33 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by ShaggyX
Even misery would be better then what Bush gave us. I don't even know a word that would describe how crappy he has been.

Hi Shag!

Besides the War in Iraq, what specifically didn't Bush do to make you feel better. That's what this is about, feelings. And why support Obama and not Clinton? What is he going to change? Do you think that January 21st he'll pull all our troops out of Iraq? Do you think he'll lower taxes with a Democratic Legislature? what? I'd like to know:)
Why didn't you like McCain? He obviously didn't want Bush's endorsement either and Bush did not campaign for him. (for the most part) McCain said he'd lower taxes and provide a tax break for people that wanted to buy their own health care. I don't think he meant he'd write them a blank check, but take any money spent on health care off their taxes, up to $5k a year. That's pretty cool in my book. Do you think that Republicans in general were responsible for the recent economic turmoil, even though they don't control Congress and did not pass the Legislature that led to the demise of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

BTW, anyone can answer these questions, but I'd like to know.
I'm just happy I don't have to endure the political commercials while I'm trying to watch the weather anymore! :D

KenP 11-05-2008 06:35 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by 8500lbs
I would rather have an incompetent person in VP position rather than as the actual President. There have been several arguments that question the experience and capabilities of Pres. Obama.


Obama has no Executive experience and has spent more than two years of his four in the Senate on the campaign trail, thus he has less experience than anyone running from the major parties.

Palin was the only candidate with executive experience. She's the only one that actually had a budget to adherred to. She was the only one to actually run anything.

Obama has never written legislation in either the state or federal legislature. He signed on to a few bills after they were well on their way to passage.

Obama voted "present" while in the Senate more than he voted "yeah" or "nea", yet he still managed to be ranked the most liberal of all senators. That puts Obama left of Kennedy and Franks.

That's not leading. That's not running the show.

KenP 11-05-2008 06:44 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by RubHer Yellow Ducky
A major factor which gave the nod to Obama is because you had SOME people vote because of the color of his skin....

Acording to the Mail and Globe:

Exact figures were to be released early today. But according to exit polling yesterday, young voters supported Mr. Obama 2 to 1 over Mr. McCain. Six in 10 women supported Mr. Obama.

About 90 per cent of African-Americans were expected to have voted, with a similarly overwhelming percentage of them supporting Mr. Obama. In Florida, exit polling showed 98 per cent of blacks voted for Mr. Obama.

KenP 11-05-2008 07:15 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by ROX
BTW, anyone can answer these questions, but I'd like to know.
I'm just happy I don't have to endure the political commercials while I'm trying to watch the weather anymore! :D

Good luck, I ask those questions all the time and no one can answer them.

Liberals say they want change, but when you ask them specifics they can't answer.

KenP 11-05-2008 07:19 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by HummerHippy
during his (Obama's) acceptance speach he warned foreign entities that want to hurt us, that they will be defeated. I am not worried of Obama being soft, or being supported by the Taliban, as some have claimed. (I don't believe that last claim).

But what a wonderful f-in' country we live in!

Ummm, is this before or after he guts our military as promised?

Before or after he halts military research as he's promised.

Before or after he pulls our troops out of a vastly improved Iraq as promised? Remember, Obama was against the very effective surge.

Dave92270 11-05-2008 07:35 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by
Bush was handed some bad things that happened which he had no control over. The economy was fine and housing along with stock markets rising until the unregulated people ran it in the ground under Democratic controlled oversight commitees who turned and claimed (with taped testimony to the contrary) that all was fine and more easy money needed to be put out so lower incomes could buy homes. You turn the water hose on at the source with no nozzle on the end to control the flow and somehthing is going to get flooded. Unfortunately if you cater to the basic natural human insticts one being greed it will manifest itself every time.

So even though Bush did not shine as bright as some wished the Democrats claimed in the last mid terms they had a mandate (to do what I do not know still yet) it was after this mandate was handed down that housing went in the tank and stock markets began to have problems. The Democrats all had a chance to give a vote of confidence after 9-11 and most as well did the Republicans supported to take the fight to the terrorists and not allow anymore attacks on Our soil which is what has happened no attacks since

I guess I just do not see as much of what is claimed to be what Bush has done wrong. It seemed all the same good ole boy goofs that some have held seats in Congress, some it seems since the Constitution was written, have all been apart of what has happened to Our Nation. Plenty of blame all around yet none to stand up and admit if what has gone wrong was to blame them.

Unless Our new President aligns himself with younger middle of the road blood, He will not accomplish anything except maintain the status quo. Well and just raise Our taxs and really kill this economy putting us into a depression. In times like we are in right now really true fresh conservative ideas are needed. Hopefully we do not get a huge turn over of Supreme Court Justices who with their most likely extremely left wing replacements will tell us what they think The Constitution should have said rather than what it does say.

Oh well hopefully we can survive what could come down on Us.


well said! :iagree: 100%

ShaggyX 11-05-2008 09:25 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!
Hey Rox.

I don't like Obama, nor do I like McCain. I do however like them both more then I like Bush, and believe either one of them would do better then Bush. The war in Iraq, and the bailout are my two main reasons for hating Bush. I believe both are terrible for the economy, and just plain stupid...and IIRC..both of those ideas came from Bush, and not Congress. Sure Congress had to OK them, but they still started with Bush.

BKLYNH2 11-05-2008 09:38 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!
I thought we'd go back to talking about Hummers and boobs today? :confused: :( :( :( :(

TXSUT 11-05-2008 09:44 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by RubHer Yellow Ducky
what you are saying is:

all blacks are criminals
all jews are cheap
all italians are greasy
all catholics are ********
all the polish are bigots
all women are whores

Man, you sure do know how to make us conservative Republicans look even more stupid (for not electing McCain), and in general. Good grief...

ROX 11-05-2008 09:52 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by ShaggyX
Hey Rox.

I don't like Obama, nor do I like McCain. I do however like them both more then I like Bush, and believe either one of them would do better then Bush. The war in Iraq, and the bailout are my two main reasons for hating Bush. I believe both are terrible for the economy, and just plain stupid...and IIRC..both of those ideas came from Bush, and not Congress. Sure Congress had to OK them, but they still started with Bush.

So it wasn't a vote for change or anything in particular, but a vote against Bush even though he wasn't running. The bailout plan was tried 2 years ago, and got stopped in Congress because no one believed what was coming.

You know, a couple of weeks ago I heard a friend of mine predict 18% unemployment within the next 2 years. :eek: Not if Obama was elected but because we don't have the infrastructure in our country to offer jobs to people that lose them in the financial industry. The strengthening dollar should help that some, but I was surprised to hear that needless to say.
Who gets blamed for high unemployment if they can't help stimulate the economy? Usually the sitting President. I sure hope he was wrong. I'd like to see Obama change his constituants from takers, to doers. Maybe they can use him as an example of how you can change your life if you try hard enough instead of sitting back and waiting for a handout. You know we live in a Democracy, it's not the same as England, France or Canada.

Personally, he lost my vote because he doesn't think showing respect for the Flag of our Country really matters that much and he couldn't even cast a vote Yes or No on hardly any legislation while he was in the Senate. Now that he's President-Elect, is he going to show us pride for the country that elected him? Will he actually take a stand and tell us what he's going to change, or just test the winds? It's time for him to lead. I'm afraid he doesn't know how.

TXSUT 11-05-2008 10:08 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by ROX
...I heard a friend of mine predict 18% unemployment within the next 2 years. Not if Obama was elected but because...

Maybe it won't be because Obama was elected, but his plans for the coal industry and his lack of plans for nuclear power sure won't help the employment situation.

Bully13 11-05-2008 10:11 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by BKLYNH2
I thought we'd go back to talking about Hummers and boobs today? :confused: :( :( :( :(


Hummer in the White House = Bill Clinton?

Boob in the White House = Obama?

Hmmm2 11-05-2008 10:23 PM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!
I just can't get the "Peggy the Moocher" mentality out of my mind. What a farce this has become. And the whole thing idea of "Everything Oprah touches upon becomes gold...", that they keep talking about, is nauseating. Don't get me started. :soapbox:

RubHer Yellow Ducky 11-06-2008 12:54 AM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!
[quote=TXSUT]Man, you sure do know how to make us conservative Republicans look even more stupid (for not electing McCain), and in general. Good grief...[/quote]


read the whole thing...

Originally Posted by D-MAX
:dancingbanana: :dancingbanana: :dancingbanana: :dancingbanana: :dancingbanana: :dancingbanana: :dancingbanana: :dancingbanana: :dancingbanana:
no i'm not a wagon jumper but this country needs change. i'll never trust a republican after bush.

you are one of the problems with this country...

what you are saying is:

all blacks are criminals
all jews are cheap
all italians are greasy
all catholics are ********
all the polish are bigots
all women are whores

you notice since 9-11 there has been no sucessful terrorist attacks inside the U.S.

A good portion of the blame for the financial crisis was caused by the democrats.

Bush is not perfect, agreed...but what you are saying is ignorant and reflects who you are as a person...!


The comparison is to what D-MAX said about generalizing republicans !!!

Ed G. 11-06-2008 01:08 AM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!
The President surrounds himself with his "cabinet", forming the executive branch of our government. If Obama chooses his cabinet as carefully as he chose Biden as his VP, and they work well together, he will be able to handle any situation.

If McCain would have won, and some tradegy took his life, what would Palin do? More than likely "fly to the bright light"! The Republican party would have themselves another "puppet" and we'd have 4 more years of corporate corruption and war.

So your saying that the problems our country faces today are due to those whom were in power 12 years ago? Get a Grip! Don't you mean 9 to 16 years ago? Of course you do, that would make everything the Democrates fault.

D-MAX 11-06-2008 01:12 AM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by RubHer Yellow Ducky
you are one of the problems with this country...

what you are saying is:

all blacks are criminals
all jews are cheap
all italians are greasy
all catholics are ********
all the polish are bigots
all women are whores

you notice since 9-11 there has been no sucessful terrorist attacks inside the U.S.

A good portion of the blame for the financial crisis was caused by the democrats.

Bush is not perfect, agreed...but what you are saying is ignorant and reflects who you are as a person...!

oh hell no! i belive 911 was an inside job. it's just an excuse to move in to the middle east to take their oil. and in reality i have no problem with that but sacrafising innocent american lives that's just where i draw the line. america is the most corrupted country but is is the best place to live in, for now.

D-MAX 11-06-2008 01:15 AM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by RubHer Yellow Ducky
A major factor which gave the nod to Obama is because you had SOME people vote because of the color of his skin....

If those people could have said...Yes I like his platform or his economic stradegy is to my liking, or some substantial reason I could understand but to vote because he is a Black Man with no experience, that is plain wrong!!!!

that is true but a lot more people DIDN'T vote for him for the same reason.

RubHer Yellow Ducky 11-06-2008 01:18 AM

Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by D-MAX
oh hell no! i belive 911 was an inside job. it's just an excuse to move in to the middle east to take their oil. and in reality i have no problem with that but sacrafising innocent american lives that's just where i draw the line. america is the most corrupted country but is is the best place to live in, for now.

I'll be happy to drive you to the border if you want to renounce your citzenship, if you are a citizen !!!

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