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IRA51 06-02-2009 10:02 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!

DRTYFN 06-02-2009 10:06 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!

Originally Posted by Bully13
I'm not sure if the fact that a Chinese company now owning Hummer is really going to make a difference. However, I was caught a bit off-guard when I took my h2 in to service today and a 7 yearold took my keys and did the write up...

:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

CONRAD II 06-02-2009 10:07 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!

Originally Posted by Bully13
I'm not sure if the fact that a Chinese company now owning Hummer is really going to make a difference. However, I was caught a bit off-guard when I took my h2 in to service today and a 7 yearold took my keys and did the write up...

FYI that wasn't a seven yr. old, Chinese people are notoriously small people. Get used to it.........:raar:

blackhawk29 06-02-2009 11:10 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
There would be no way in hell i would buy a chinese hummer. i would have replaced my 08 h2 with a 10 h2 but now will be trading in my chinese backed hummer for something american as soon as the 2010's hit. nice move GM.

HummerMann 06-02-2009 11:20 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
I was hoping for AM General to buy the Hummer but, Tengzhong makes some of the best road paving equipment in the world. We have some of their paving equipment and they stand behind them and are overdesigned and built extremely well. I hope they can keep our Hummer dealers in business and let them prosper. THong is flush with cash and has a good reputation for customer satisfaction. They say they are committed to having the Hummer manufactured and engineered in the US and the future world HQ for Hummer in the US. What's happening? Budweiser is now Belgian owned and the Hummer will be Chinese owned soon..... who would have thought

H2 007 06-02-2009 11:44 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
I dunno... What these days isn't made in China.

Trust me, I would have loved HUMMER to remain a U.S. owned vehicle, but I guess it beats the brand being discontinued and gone.

Not only that, but it seems like everything you buy these days is "Made In China".

Heck, the majority of the parts on not only the Hummer but other vehicles are either made in China, Japan or Mexico.

At least they are still going to continued to be produced here in the U.S.

Hummer3 06-03-2009 12:06 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!

This is a good news article.

HumbleAg 06-03-2009 12:49 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!

Originally Posted by HummerMann
THong is flush with cash

Seems like I've heard the same thing at a club on the edge of town.


DRTYFN 06-03-2009 02:30 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!

Originally Posted by Hummer3

This is a good news article.


?We will be investing in the Hummer brand and its research and development capabilities, which will allow Hummer to better meet demand for new products such as more fuel-efficient vehicles in the U.S,? Chief Executive Yang Yi said in a statement.
I hope this isn't a big rie. 06-03-2009 06:12 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
Gang not trying to do the I said so thing really but, search back and find old TAZ said through my connections Hummer would most likely be bought and not shut down. I also said it would be Chinese, Indian, or AM General.

Now do not count AM General out yet. The Chinese would like for them to be an investor to aid in overseeing the product. This Chinese company will do for Hummer things GM would have never done. They will be a good owner to all of us owners and buyers. I expect to see the HX model to go forward in future where I did not think GM would ever had gone ahead with it. The HX is a model if done close to the prototype would sell best at most affordable price. It could go with real basic build not all the fancy seats and electronics to make it a true outback, desert or whatever terrain the rest of the world needs to run it in. Most of the places it would be used does not even use air conditioning as well as all the luxuries proto. had on it.

Anyway most all Hummer employees have a safe job far from the condition that allot of the auto workers have. Some place down the road when Hummer decides what product they want to use for most of 3rd world which is the largest segment available to sell inexspense tough rugged rides the Chinese may build that model in China. This is so they can sell it at a low price that none of us will have a chance to buy. All smog gone well all the stuff that runs cost up on rigs we like to buy. I think if it is HX we will get that model as well but, just at higher price to cover gov. mandated goodies.

I'm fairly happy with the buyer the more I look into the companies rep. and commitment to quality. We will most likely even get a diesel H2 way sooner than GM would have ever done it if ever. I think for western nation sells, the H2 will get some new goodies electronics, sound, and many other things we may not have thought of having since this new buyer has rep. to give more bang for the buck. They see what GM would not have nor offered if GM saw it I believe. Hummer is being bought at wholesale price where if new owner wanted will be able to sell Hummer for a ridiculous price and profit in a few years if they just maintain statust quo with only tidbit upgrades. This Chinese group has dump truck loads of money and this group will as time allows just to strength the Hummer brand will go for upgrading Hummer products asap.

Well anyway do not give up on AM General as a small equity owner and the H1 coming back soon.

The thing I have not read yet is what dealer situation will be. This is where we could loose Hummer employees. Hopefuly not and it will most likely be after the new owner has a chance to look at books on number of dealers and sales. Like in Arkansas 2.5 million people there are 2 dealers both owned by same people so I would expect them to keep dealer literally in center of state and ask owner to close the one stuck way off in northwest corner of our state even though there is allot of money up there.

Well just more fuel for fire of speculations.


frenzy1 06-03-2009 06:26 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
^^ wel said !

Eatmygass 06-03-2009 09:18 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
A lot of people here need to calm down about the Chinese thing. We NEED to do business with the Chinese to remain strong in a world wide economy.
My Beloved Milwaukee based Miller got bought out by some south african brewery!!!! Budweiser laughed, then THEY got bought out as well.

To ME, what matters is that milwaukee brews the majority of Miller Products AND employs the bulk of all its employees.

Hummer will STILL BE BUILT in AMERICA! I could care less who signs their checks. The Chinese carry so much US debt, they practically own us anyway.
Ill buy another Hummer in a few years from an American Dealer and made in an american city, BY american workers. Thats a lot better than having the brand just go away.....

my 2 cents

Badace 06-03-2009 07:07 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!

Originally Posted by blackhawk29
There would be no way in hell i would buy a chinese hummer. i would have replaced my 08 h2 with a 10 h2 but now will be trading in my chinese backed hummer for something american as soon as the 2010's hit. nice move GM.

Sorry, but America is no longer America. We have a Kenyan in office and the European philosophy has taken over the America we know and love. There was a reason the Founders left Europe, to have freedom and the right to pursue prosperity and happiness with out being infringed on by others and the Government. Regulation keeps us from infringing on others. But that philosophy is gone and the reason our ancestors left has now engulfed us. Buying american means built by china and assembled in America. While that is said, it is what it is. I would still buy one. Especially since GM is now a rediculious vision of sunflowers and ty dyes.

Intercooled 06-03-2009 07:52 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
Well at least Hummer will be its own entity and not part of GM any more. I was always a GM fan but not sonce this past year. Hopefully we will see some enginuity in thier advertiseing campaings and a better vision to reality stance on the products. Maybe Hummer Happenings will come back. I dont think Thoing would have invested so much oney with out expecting great things. Like the others have said, its Chinese but built in America buy Americans. The Chinese just sign the checks. Hopefully the paint wont be lead based!

OrangeCrush 06-04-2009 03:13 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!

Originally Posted by XM DUDE
I don't own a Hummer, but I just had to chime in here this deal sucks as this country is run by liberals and bit by bit they are destroying things that make this country great. I would not buy a Chinese made Hummer, so you lucky Hummer owners hold on to them as they will really go up in value now.

I had to laugh. You don't even own a Hummer but still have over 500 posts. There are members here that do own a Hummer and don't have half that....


Faustus100 06-04-2009 04:22 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
Im so happy that the H2 will still be made.Ive had mine for about a year and its the best truck Ive ever had-by far!!!!Im keeping mine until I die and wouldnt get rid of it for the world!!I hope to get another next year-its the only truck for me:dancingbanana:

guruerror 06-04-2009 08:19 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
I see everyone's point...and 'yes' it is good that Sichuan has 'no plans to manufacture Hummer in a Chinese plant.' More jobs in America...that's great.

BUT...there's just certain things that (up until now at least) have been inherently 'American'...that just make you think 'U.S.A.' when you hear them...Hummer, Jeep, Cadillac these are some of the things that are synonymous with our country. When I hear Hummer thoughts of Desert Storm, the American military, rocky switchbacks on a Colorado mountain come to mind; Jeep rouses visions of the wide open countryside that sprawls across our mid-west, freedom, and the ability to 'go anywhere'; and Cadillac...well, Cadillac makes me think of those long, shiny metal monsters of my youth that floated along the long stretches of interstate with over 400 cubes , an 8-track tape player, and fender skirts. These are American things...these are things that represent 'who we are/were' as a country and as a people. Are they all completely reasonable, sensible, and environmentally friendly symbols? No...but they're still 'our' symbols...they're still 'our' icons.

So, while I'm glad that American's working in these plants will still have their jobs, I'm disheartened that this young American icon will no longer truly be an 'American' icon. I said it before, 'it'll be me and my '05 until one of us dies.' I will not by a Chinese Hummer.

DRTYFN 06-04-2009 09:13 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
You better not open your eyes or you'll see just how "un-American" everything else is.:giggling:

spoolking 06-04-2009 11:17 PM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
whatever happens i will still have my h2 chinese or no chinese still the baddest truck on the planet thats why they want it

CUZICAN 06-05-2009 04:27 AM

Re: Hummer Sold !!!!
Got a call from a sales rep today to share the news of the buyout and they are already reducing some of the rebates. On a H3 he said it is now either the $5000 or 0% financing, not both. The other thing that is gone is the GM supplier discount. I think for the time being if we're going to add a 2nd Hummer to the garage it will be a used one.

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