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iwillnc 05-14-2013 03:24 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
How much fluid did you guys have to add to the system?

iwillnc 05-22-2013 01:52 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
For goodness sakes, I'll be the beta tester then, I have the tru-cool in the backseat, but being worried about the A/C condensor flow, and the fact I feel 120 is waaay to low, I'm going to try using the factory cooler

As is my tranny never goes above 180, And I would be very happy at that temp as 175 is considered optimal tranny temp from what I see.

I don't want to regret spending $150 on a radiator, but I would be very happy if this worked.
But seriously the stock cooler is not THAT small.

Also if you never get it up to temperature it won't be able to get rid of the moisture in the transmission fluid, as well as it won't allow the TC to lock up as it's suppose to.

LoJac963 05-22-2013 03:48 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
valid points, I think as I mentioned before (pretty sure) just bypassing the radiator and using the stock external cooler should suffice. I need to do that myself because all the bad stores of antifreeze and tranny fluid mixing scares me lol

jsbihn 05-25-2013 02:14 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Have any of those who have just used the stock external cooler to bypass the "mix" have anything to report back on this?
How are the temps?
Is the cooler shown in the 2 page of this thread by Hellz actually the tranny cooler for the 03 also?

I am looking to do this and right now I want to just make sure I avoid the "mix"

I figure afterwards if I need more cooling or something, I can replace it but for now I want to make sure it is taken out of the loop.

jsbihn 05-26-2013 04:38 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
anyone do the bypass just using the stock cooler? and is the cooler that Hellz has pictured the tranny cooler?
Like he said, I would hate to bypass it and it turn out to be something else.

Hellz 05-26-2013 06:23 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
thats whats it says when im driving.
thats if it even warms up to that.. most of the time it is just barely above the 100 mark

jsbihn 05-26-2013 12:06 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Hellz, are you saying
yes the picture you showed in the previous page is the stock tranny cooler
yes you did the bypass while using the stock tranny cooler and all is well

I want to make sure I am positive on this before I start cutting lines

Hellz 05-26-2013 03:54 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
rip that crap out!

just follow the 2 lines from that OEM cooler back to the radiator, and cut them.
pull the OEM cooler out and install the new one.
cap the lines going into the radiator as it will save cleanup time later down the line for you.

it is fairly easy and simple

jsbihn 05-26-2013 04:40 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
I understand that.
BUT when I can get the new cooler and when I can put it in are the issue right now.

This is why I am asking if anyone did what was talking about.
Using the OEM cooler (if thats what that is shown in your picture page 2 of this post) to still cool the trans.

I know it isnt a great fix for it, but it is something I can do now so that when I am on the road back and forth to work, I dont have to worry about my tranny going kaboom until the aftermarket cooler comes in.

I mean my way of thinking is... what if I ordered the cooler today and it doesnt come in til next week... what good does it do me if today or tomorrow my tranny is grenaded by the "mix".
So I am trying to bandaid it until I can get it fixed right.

If that cooler in your picture is the tranny cooler, please let me know and if it worked (and "worked" meaning... the temps didnt get too hot after the bypass and it still had coolant flow)


iwillnc 05-26-2013 07:53 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Although I'm in this same dumb boat "**** aint happened in the last 10 years of its life but now that I'm concerned about it, it will definitely happen anytime in the next hour drive" state-of-mind as you are, I'm fairly certain that stock cooler is more than efficient unless you do Moab every week.

The part that goes into the radiator is kinda like a thermostat, in the winter it helps warm up the fluid before it enters the trans. In all honesty I can't see how you wouldn't be fine with just the stock minus coolant radiator bypass.

I have the exact radiator kit as the author sitting in my garage, but the more I think about it the worse it sounds to install.

Proper transmission temps are between 160-190.
This is also the temp the computer expects the transmission to run at, else it will keep cycling the transmission as if it is cold to protect it.

iwillnc 05-26-2013 07:57 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
I keep making plans to do it, but I'm going to try to get it today or perhaps tomorrow depending on what I'm doing.

Hellz 05-26-2013 08:16 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
ya i suppose you could go pick up some tranny hose from teh auto store and bypass the radiator witht eh stock cooler... i cant say how it will perform for you though, but yes, it will prevent the coolant mix.. but at the same time it might raise your temps enough that it cooks your tranny too....

i just dont have an answer for you on that... but by passing it.. yes you can do it.

check with your autoparts store, they may have one thats in stock, or that will fit. reeally, all that matters is if it will fit in the frame.. it doesnt matter the brand or anything. hell, even the fittings dont matter as you will connect it with rubber hose and clamps.. so you can also do a adapter if need be.

i got mine in less than a week when i ordered it.
took me about 2 hours, and i had minimal tools as i was in Reno for a Military school... thats how limited it was. i used vice grips to cut the lines..

in a home enviroment with tools...i would say about an hour give or take

iwillnc 05-27-2013 11:08 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Update, I've done the loop to stock cooler avg temp is 178 so far has got up to 185.

Outdoor temperature is about 80 F

At the moment I can't say whether this is a success or failure, although its leaning toward a failure, I'll know for sure when the outdoor temps hit 95+
I'd like some wiggle room on the temp, I'm sure the stock would be fine if your max temp was 70, but I'm not sold on it as is.

If at any point the temp hits 200 then I will be putting on my aftermarket cooler.

Driving varies between in town to country roads

If my max temp when outdoor temp gets to 90+, never goes above 190 then ill be adding a deeper pan, I haven't been offroad yet but I'm sure it would get hot

Quite honestly I never paid much attention to the trans before other than periodically checking it wasn't above 200, so if these numbers are normal, I can't say.

ryaleon 05-28-2013 01:20 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation

Originally Posted by iwillnc
If at any point the temp hits 200 then I will be putting on my aftermarket cooler.

Be ready to change it. I did the loop with stock cooler and yeah temps will reach much higher than 200. Especially on the highway. I then installed a slightly larger than stock cooler. It was a flexolite. Don't remember the model. It kept temps generally in the 200-215 range. Still too warm for me. Put the trucool and now its fine. 150-155 degrees.

iwillnc 05-28-2013 02:13 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Well dern ryaleon, I was hoping someone with experience would have spoken up BEFORE I looped it.:lame:

I still don't know how I got the cuts on my hands, but I have plenty of blood in my engine compartment from today.

Don't look forward to going at it again, but w/e

ryaleon 05-28-2013 02:38 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Sorry about that bud didn't see your plea for help. Oh well we live and learn. I did it 3 times as I said. Gave me lots of cuts! Come to think of it the Hummer has given me tons of cuts.

iwillnc 05-28-2013 03:23 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Is your A/C any worse off from having less flow?

Hellz 05-28-2013 05:46 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation

Originally Posted by iwillnc
Update, I've done the loop to stock cooler avg temp is 178 so far has got up to 185.

Outdoor temperature is about 80 F

At the moment I can't say whether this is a success or failure, although its leaning toward a failure, I'll know for sure when the outdoor temps hit 95+
I'd like some wiggle room on the temp, I'm sure the stock would be fine if your max temp was 70, but I'm not sold on it as is.

If at any point the temp hits 200 then I will be putting on my aftermarket cooler.

Driving varies between in town to country roads

If my max temp when outdoor temp gets to 90+, never goes above 190 then ill be adding a deeper pan, I haven't been offroad yet but I'm sure it would get hot

Quite honestly I never paid much attention to the trans before other than periodically checking it wasn't above 200, so if these numbers are normal, I can't say.

so if you have a aftermarket cooler.. why **** around with the OEM one?
i spent $5k for a new tranny.... granted i could have gotten a cheaper one.. but still.. if you want to possibly fry it.. knock yourself out.

ryaleon 05-28-2013 10:16 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation

Originally Posted by iwillnc
Is your A/C any worse off from having less flow?

Ac is fine. Everything is fine. No issues with the trucool.

iwillnc 05-28-2013 12:43 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Hell, your missing my point, I don't live where min yearly temps are 60, it can get around 18 here( which is in fact cold here)
A transmission that's too cold is not good for wear or dare I even say, efficiency.
Your missing this.

Also you can pickup a brand new tranny for 2600 + 100 jack, hope you got a lot of mods.

But yes the trucool will be goin on next

Hellz 05-28-2013 02:38 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
i live in Minnesota.. so your temps are actually warm for me :)

im not missing the point. if you are worried that you are over-cooling your tranny, get a winter bypass for it tha will warm up the fluid before it opens it up to the cooler.

yes that $5k was including some extra work on the H2.
the actual tranny cost was $3600 for a stage 2 kit (500HP), but thats not including install.

SummitUp 05-28-2013 02:48 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation

Originally Posted by iwillnc
This is also the temp the computer expects the transmission to run at, else it will keep cycling the transmission as if it is cold to protect it.

Care to elaborate on that statement?

What do you mean by the computer "cycling the transmission"?

iwillnc 05-28-2013 02:55 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Not allowing TC to lock/unlock correctly as well as keeping rpms higher to try and warm th transmission, notice how your Rpms get lower after the tranny has warmed up, while doing normal driving

Probably missed something

Hellz 05-28-2013 07:21 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
so here is the thing...

the viscosity of the fluid is going to warm up to whatever it is going to warm up at splashing around in the tranny and cycling through it.

Is that 60 degrees? 70, 80 or 90 degrees? not sure.

your cooler is going to cool at most to the ambient air temp outside.
there is no way it can go lower than that unless you have something else that is actively cooling.. I.E refrigerant type..

so the magical numbers are..
what is the oprating range the tranny needs ?
and ambient temps outside.

at most, the pump is the only thing that should really be affected by cooler fluid as it has to work a little bit harder.. but honestly, it will have minimum inpact

jsbihn 05-31-2013 01:56 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
I am just curious how people are getting such accurate readings for their tranny temps?

LoJac963 05-31-2013 03:36 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
After some long driving the last couple days I've been keeping an eye on my temps for comparison.

One day the temp here was 95 outside the other 97 degrees. As you know AZ is pretty much no humidity unless its actively raining lol.

My coolant temp sits right around 190 and the tranny temp sits right around the same temp.

So here's the question since there is so much debate over using just the stock cooler and bypassing the radiator.

Is the tranny temp close the to coolant temp BECAUSE of the coolant being 190 degrees? One could argue both sides...

-the tranny temp is 190 because the coolant is and bypassing the radiator will allow the tranny to run a little cooler.

-OR does the tranny run hotter than 190 and the coolant is actually taking away heat as opposed to adding it?

iwillnc 06-09-2013 02:36 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Alright so my cooler is being installed, I'm going to try to finish tomorrow.

I'm installing mine slightly different, for one I kept looking at these pictures thinking WTF with how the driver side was connected, I was thinking Egan had used the original hole for the old cooler, finally I read he used a sheet metal screw, Doh.

Anyways, my cooler makes slight contact with my condensor if installed like in the pictures, the bottom of the cooler is too close .
What I did is bend the bottom supports, out at about 170 degrees, so instead of being behind the lower support, they can move further out over it allowing some room between the condensor.

Now I have to find some rubber isolators for the lower connection.

iwillnc 06-09-2013 09:29 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Alright, so how I installed mine, I straitened out the lower attach points, I then put a rubber grommet I cut between the bracket and the lower attach point, where I attached both bottom brackets, using a tek screw.

On the top I only attached the driver side, using just a tek screw.
I bent the passenger top toward the vehicle but haven't decided if I'm going to attach.

I honestly don't see how everyone is installing this cooler without it rubbing the condenser, by using just the top brackets.

I notice no difference in a/c
Driving medium hard through country roads for 12 miles I managed to get it up to 148 degrees (F) outside temp 89

jsbihn 06-15-2013 01:54 AM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
pictures if you can
I was actually just outside measuring my space to see if I can use another cooler that might fit better (where I can bolt top and bottom).
It might not have the cooling capacity, but then again if I am not always towing or off roading I would think it wouldnt be that bad.

Also, did we ever establish that just bypassing the oem first cooler, and using the second oem cooler on the front would work for as a temp solution?
Or did normal driving cause temps to really go up with that single cooler up front being used?

jsbihn 03-03-2014 07:24 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Hey all,
I just thought I would update this thread....
I do not work for Amazon OR Oregon Performance, and I am only doing this to help spread some information for those on the search.

I have been looking to do this mod for some time now and though money has always been short to throw into things other then repairs, I was finally able to do so. Of course money is still short, so I looked for the cheapest price to purchase for. It turns out that if you go to the previously mentioned website Oregon Performance (as linked by Egan), you will get a price of roughly 175 shipped. If you go to Amazon and look up the part or click on this link

You will find it has them for sale, and off to the right side it will say "more buying choices". If you look, it will have Oregon Performance as a seller and the price is actually 40 dollars less ($133.95 with free shipping).
Best deal I have been able to find is this or similar to it.

Now dont get me wrong, I am all for the little guy making money and such, but if the same shop sells it on their site for 175 and then on amazon for 135... I would rather pay them the 135.

Anyways... Hope this helps someone too.

LoJac963 03-03-2014 10:46 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Hell I'm with you on that, I'll always support the companies themselves but if I can find a deal you bet I'm paying the lesser amount!

I've been meaning to do this for some time, added to my amazon cart!

jsbihn 03-04-2014 02:00 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Glad I could help with with some savings.

(and yeah I have been meaning to do it for some time too and figured I better do it now before I have issues and before I do my tranny overhaul (corvette servo, trans flush, new filter, possible performance kit, etc etc...))

Egan 03-04-2014 03:15 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
Weird - I paid $139 direct from Oregon Performance.

LoJac963 03-04-2014 09:25 PM

Re: Tranny cooler installation
My tranny has always had a slow leak from a little access port on the bottom of the bellhousing. I'm a complete retard when it comes to transmissions so I couldn't even begin to guess what it could be. I just keep topping it off as I'm scrrd to take it in and see how much money it's going to cost.

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