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MAC 11-14-2002 06:06 AM

This is one strange Hummer H2 you may want to see. It has 24" wheels and "bagged", whatever that means, I guess things they do to make cars jumps up and down. This beast is 3.5-4 tons, how do they do that? Costs $3500 to do the job. Any taker? DHummer&model_brand_query=model%3DH2&tree=Hummer%2 0H2

MAC 11-14-2002 06:06 AM

This is one strange Hummer H2 you may want to see. It has 24" wheels and "bagged", whatever that means, I guess things they do to make cars jumps up and down. This beast is 3.5-4 tons, how do they do that? Costs $3500 to do the job. Any taker? DHummer&model_brand_query=model%3DH2&tree=Hummer%2 0H2

Dan 11-14-2002 10:08 AM

Another perfectly good H2 gone to waste.

Beware that a lot of the pics on that site are Photoshop hacks. Unfortunately, that doesnt look like one of them...

Hummie2 11-14-2002 12:38 PM

Well I guess they solved the problem of how to get it into the garage.

I think I would have hired a good carpenter instead. Did you notice in the picture how far out the camber is when the truck is lowered all the way down. I wonder what this does to saftey certifications and what a lawyer could do to you in court should you be involved in an accident?


MAC 11-14-2002 02:35 PM

I have to give credit where credit is due, this one I like. Unlike the other ugly 22" wheeled H2s, this one has some engeering effert involved, $3500 seems reasonable to lift such a big machine. Wonder if it jumps up and down, there is a word for these sorts of low riders, it escaped me, anyone knows? "Bagged" is a new word to me, don't know exactly what it means.

Afreet 11-14-2002 04:12 PM

If I am not mistaken, Bagged is a reference to "air bag" which is a type of suspension familiar to most H2 owners. My guess is that the "bagged" comment is referring to the massive air bag suspension that the photo H2 has.

Doug 11-15-2002 12:11 PM

No respect!

Arizona Hummerboy 11-16-2002 01:13 AM

I have not seen that vehicle around Phoenix Yet,I am all over town with my H2,

Dan 11-18-2002 04:07 PM

Is there a ghetto you can drive through? I bet it's in there...

*flame suit ON*

- Dan

Mike 11-18-2002 10:39 PM

What the F.... hHell is that?

Imagine butthead's(from Beavis & Butthead) voice..

"UHH That's Aweful"

Beavis.."yea.umm...Fire, Fire...AHHHH"

TS 11-18-2002 11:26 PM

ya know.. I for one am glad they did it. Gives people something to talk about. Imagine if people didnt take chances and push the envelop a bit..

MAC 11-19-2002 05:40 AM

It just goes to show that Hummer is a vehicle for all seasons, to its credit. There are low riders, stretched limos, bagged, huge tires, boom boxes, etc. To me, these are no more strange than many of the guys spending thousands on exhaust, filter, extra HP/MPG, airhorn, strobe lights, XM, GPS, LCD screens, mud tires, and all the off-road stuffs. I am amazed at how much energy, time and money people on this forum are spending to add/modify the Hummer, a perfect vehicle as is. I don’t plan to add anything, I don’t laugh at anyone, it is just fun to observe and learn. Where did all these people get all that money to burn? or maybe I am just cheap, that makes me feel better.

Bill Kervaski 11-19-2002 09:29 PM

This guy should be forced to return his HUMMER to the dealer.

- Bill

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