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BlueHUMMERH2 01-15-2007 02:07 AM

More Hummer Hatred
Uh oh, Hummer is growing by leaps and bounds, and now the hippies are really getting upset. This warm winter has them freaked out too!

AOL's popular Autoblog site has a post in which they cite stats listing the 2006 vs. 2005 sales statistics for most major automobile brands.

In terms of sales, the fastest-increasing brand is HUMMER. From 2005 to 2006, sales were up 24.30% at 71,524 (2005: 56,727).

I hate Hummers. Not only are they guzzlers but they instantly brand you as an "I'm bad" militaristic freak- kind of like the meth dealer busted with four angry pit bulls in his pad.

OK, so you think you are so macho, Hummer-owner? Tell me what country the gasoline in your Hummer probably came from, and where most of the 9-11 hijackers came from?


And if that question makes you boil, well, how about you or someone you know signing up and becoming part of the Iraq troop "surge" Bush thinks he needs to fight the terrorists over there so they don't fight us over here?

But maybe you are busy today, out and about in balmy weather likely precipitated by the cumulative effects of global warming. And your Hummer ain't helping.

Just be thankful you aren't a polar bear looking for ice, ice, baby- Like in some of Robert Winslow's wonderful polar bear photos.

I'd like to interject some commentary here by "jonaspdx," one of my fellow Bloggers on the Portland Metroblog:

Did no one see (and believe) An Inconvenient Truth? Does no one remember that we're at war (one that some would say was over oil) and maybe, just maybe, conservation is a good idea, no matter how much the president tells you to drive big cars or go shopping?

I can't believe they allow these things to be passenger vehicles at all, and I'm hoping (most likely to no avail, as there are far more pressing things to take care of first) that one of the actions of our new Congress over the next few years might be to eliminate the tax loophole that actually makes buying these beasts a tax deduction if it's bought for business use or at least make the CAFE standards apply to large vehicles, which they currently do not.

Yea, I know, we Portlanders are liberal. But lookit. Plenty of Hummer drivers and unseasonably warm temperatures throughout the U.S.

You're right, jonaspdx.

Yea, I know I am part of the problem. But not as much as you. I drive a car, too. But mine is kinder, gentler, not a chariot of a warrior than your beast, Hummer driver.

Arizona Hummerboy 01-16-2007 12:18 AM

Re: More Hummer Hatred
It sounds like someone is very upset that they don't own a Hummer.:fdance:

HummBebe 01-16-2007 12:26 AM

Re: More Hummer Hatred
OMG that's sooo funny....what a tool....they should not allow lieberals to breed...:fdance: :fdance: :fdance: :fdance:

mikejr 01-16-2007 12:56 AM

Re: More Hummer Hatred
so why arent they bashing the ford excursion and other large vehicles with much worse gas mileage than the H2.

How these tree hugging lunatics can blame the warm winter, the gaping hole in the ozone and a host of other bombastic bull**** claims on the H2 is beyond me.

I am a small business owner and if good ole uncle sam is going to let me write off $25K of the cost of my H2 in the first year...then by golly I am going to do it!

They just make me plain tired.....back to work i make more money...and buy more hummers!

Anti-BlInG 01-16-2007 02:18 AM

Re: More Hummer Hatred
"I drive a car, too. But mine is kinder, gentler, not a chariot of a warrior than your beast, Hummer driver."-bitch, stop polluting my air.

Wu Jen 01-16-2007 11:53 AM

Re: More Hummer Hatred
Most Gas is refined here in the US. If they are asking where the oil comes from then it's mostly from Canada. The 911 hijackers had passports from Saudi.

Again, Leftist ignorance FTW!!

Whats worse is there are sites like :(

SnakeH2 01-16-2007 01:34 PM

Re: More Hummer Hatred
That's funny:giggling:

frenzy1 01-17-2007 06:57 PM

Re: More Hummer Hatred

wpage 01-19-2007 04:32 PM

Re: More Hummer Hatred
Another thing they miss is often the Hummer is the vehicle used for other. We keep vehicles for purposes. Many of these alleged tree huggers are driving 50k miles a year. Even in a prius that uses too much fuel:beerchug:

Steve - SanJose 01-19-2007 05:57 PM

Re: More Hummer Hatred
Not seeing the hate here (at least not towards H3's).

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