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Intercooled 06-08-2008 02:51 AM

Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
The other day my wife and my 2 sons, 6 & 9 year olds, were in our H2 pulling into a coffee shop. A Honda full of young girs speed up and quickly cut her off, yelling out the window "mother f*****, you'll killing the environment". My wife was furious and taken back. It doesnt happen a whole lot around here but every once in a while you'll get that hypocritical ******* that has to say something. I guess my wife and I are usually caught by surprise and dont know what to say, and whenever we think of someting good its too late. So I'm asking you guys, give me some one liners to put these jerks in thier place quickly. Lets here em!

Pure_Justice 06-08-2008 03:26 AM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
Hmmmmm, people perception of things just because you own a beautiful vehicle. Oh the one liners are so many. Depending on how rude or cordial you wish to be. But here are a few that tend to help me, depending on my mood.

1) Bite Me (Used Commonly and when I am not in the mood to think)

2) Did you say ("whatever") before the price of gas went up?

3) Do you make it a point to tell people what they can and can not do? (Polite and usually get people to think about themselves)

4) If you give me $300 , I'd be happy to plant a tree for you.

5) You must be the local ******* everyone was telling me about? You can replace ******* with bitch for gender purposes.

These are but a few suggestions for the reply. Feel free to alter any and all to suit your purpose. Remember, most folks who are polite, won't curse or shout obsenities. Those that do, require the same. Hence "Bite Me" always works well.

Hope this helps.

Smitty504 06-08-2008 03:38 AM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
I have a few things I like to do...

1. If its at night I get right up on their ass and ghost them with all my lights turned on bright.

2. If its day I still ghost them (if they slam on the breaks its not like they will be around to tell anyone what happend) ;)

3. Crack a smile

4. I have done double birdys WITH a smile going ear to ear

But basically dont get mad at it, they are just poor people that can't afford to drive something as awesome as a hummer and if they are some eco tree hugging fruit cake they shouldnt be driving at all..let alone breathing since they are just wasting oxygen for me.

DennisAJC 06-08-2008 03:47 AM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
Just nudge them into a wall or off a cliff. The terror on their faces before they go splat brings the :jump:.

H2bill 06-08-2008 06:01 AM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !

Originally Posted by Intercooled
. So I'm asking you guys, give me some one liners to put these jerks in thier place quickly. Lets here em!

A one liner won't convince anyone to change their opinion. Don't even try. Instead, think of individuals such as the girls your wife encountered as wearing a sign on their forehead and announcing to the world: "I'm a complete idiot and I'm so stupid the only vehicle I'm dumb enough to recognize besides a Prius is a Hummer!"

HummerMann 06-08-2008 01:07 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
You're not going to change their opinion and I've found talk is pretty useless, although sometimes I tell them that battery waste from the Prius is responsible for more pollution. I drive in Manhattan with my H2 quite a bit and in two years, I've only had two problems. One time a homeless person spit on the hood in front of the Stage Deli and shouted "polluter" and I figured he had enough problems in life, and spit washes off.
The most interesting was at a mall when a Camry pulled up so close it almost touched the entry step bar, making it impossible to open the driver's door more than a few inches. I did get in by opening the passenger side and climbing over the console. Apparently, this 20ish young girl was watching from afar and came out as I started to pull out worrying I would scratch her car. She just shot me the bird and I smiled back at her. I have a NY Rangers sticker on the back and I had four of my son's hockey sticks hanging out the side of my SUT. I think she was hoping to meet one of the Rangers!
On the flip side, I've had dozens of positive experiences, but I seem to get that question a lot we all get at the gas station, "Can I ask you the mileage on that big rig?" Also, I've gotten a half dozen, "Can I sit in your Hummer?"

frenzy1 06-08-2008 02:33 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
Move to Belgium bro ! No haters over here, just lovers !


Belgium, Europe

ps : people are afraid of my hummer over here ! There are almost no hummers in Belgium. FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN !!! :fdance:

SummitUp 06-08-2008 03:00 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
Usually the only time I seem to get negative vibes is when filling up at a gas station and get the typical gas hog remarks . This reply always seems to shut them up real quick:

"Yes, and I'm just sure when they read the eulogy at your funeral they will speak of the great mileage you were getting when you were hit by that drunk driver!"

They never seem to have a comeback after that...

RenoMoe 06-08-2008 08:39 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
at the pumps I always reply with I can afford to fill my Hummer - Thank You for your concern.

HummerJim 06-09-2008 12:46 AM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
Maybe it comes from living in the Midwest and living in a rural hilly area, but I never have had any negative remarks or gestures towards my H2. It's one of those handful of vehicles, people want to look underneath and see what makes it tick. Granted, I've only had the H2 for a few months, however, I've had LOTS of positive comments. The biggest differences come from men and women on its looks - men seem to love them and women either love or hate them - but very few are indifferent.
My grandson is crazy about it and asks me to take him to all his softball games. My best friend and fishing buddy is seriously contemplating buying a Hummer Certified H2, and my wife thinks I should get her an "economical" H3. Neither seem to be scared off by recent GM posturing about the Hummer. Now as I approach what probably is the last decade of my life, I could care less what other people say. I didn't buy this for them or for the mileage, I bought this for me and I love it!

MVR 155 06-09-2008 03:52 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
Havent had any real issues other than some dirty looks with the exception of some teenage hippie looking kid at the gas station last week. Im there actually filling up a couple of gas cans for my mower...... I had about 1/2 tank in the H2 so I figured I would just top off while I was there. I noticed this kid in the next row of pumps over taking pictures of me and the truck with his camera phone, figured at first he was admiring the truck. While filling I noticed him staring so I kinda just shrugged at him and gave him the "what the hell are you staring at look"..... he looked away. As Im pulling away I see him run over to the pump and take a picture of the gallons/price display with his phone so I stop abruptly and lean out of the window and ask him if he is doing a science experiment or what..... he really cocky says "Yeah" I told him that was only for 1/2 tanks hippie and to mind his own fu#king business.

Marcmedic 06-09-2008 04:49 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
One idiot made some comment about "why would anyone need something that huge?" (Of course he was sporting a sweet Grand Caravan). I told him I needed the room so I can pick up his wife and daughters and drop them off on their assigned corners. I don't think he really understood what I meant though....

Fastest H-Town Realtor 06-09-2008 07:28 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
"Sorry-it is against my religion to drive a fuel efficient vehicle. And, if you think this thing is bad, don't even ask about my 11.5MPG JEEP SRT-8. But, thanks for your concern. BTW, thats a real cute car ya got there...Im sure you look real pretty in it."

HumminNBoatin' 06-09-2008 08:47 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
I have had people make comments at the pump. My standard response is something like.

You know It was once quoted that most cars are a direct reflection of its owner! So Well I may be like my HUMMER that is Rugged, Playful full of fun, Successful and good looking and has expensive taste.

But you my friend are driving a prius (or whatever they are driving). So that makes you Boring, Ugly, Broke and lost in the crowd.

So have fun with that!


H2 Bill 06-09-2008 11:12 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
I have only had a couple of remarks about ruining the environment or being the cause of the war... and my reply is "we are all entitled to our own opinions, and I think you are a total waste of good air"....

2of4 06-10-2008 02:08 AM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
More then half the vehicles on the road here are the giant Ford, GM and Dodge pickups. My favorite reply to what is your gas milage? "Not as bad as all the big piggy pick-ups around here"

ROX 06-10-2008 04:38 AM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
Next time just tell her to yell "PEACE!" waving the peace sign, of course. :D

PaHumBug 06-10-2008 01:20 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
At the pump, I reply: You only live once, and you gotta pay to play.

Reaction to haters: Smile and waive the peace hippie sign.

Hummer Dog 06-11-2008 03:26 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
My wife gave back a nice little response to some skinny little hippy that asked about why we own the H2, she did her best Cartman imitation and said

"Whatevah.....ah do what ah want!"

Cute, especially considering we ain't that young!

Agriv8r 06-11-2008 07:15 PM

Re: Tired of the Hummer haters, Help !
"thank you" really pisses 'em off....

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