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Old 06-01-2005, 04:23 AM
MisterH2 MisterH2 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Irvine, CA
Posts: 19
MisterH2 is off the scale

Death Valley has some rough terrains. But since I was out there alone, I didn't want to do anything crazy. Besides, I just got my H2 lifted a couple of weeks ago. I need to re-torque now.

Yes, I know the stock spare looks weenie but I didn't want to spend another $1000 just on a matching spare. I figure if I have to, I'll just use the spare like any other "baby" spare tire which will get me to the next service station. Also, I don't have a jack that's tall enough to lift my H2. I would have called AAA for a flat bed truck.

Definitely need to go out with you guys next time and go on rougher terrain. Just in case, always good to have somebody to help get out of a jam. Next stop, Moab, Utah.
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