Thread: Acceleration
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Old 06-05-2005, 12:32 PM
brewerdude brewerdude is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 6
brewerdude is off the scale

Well I got a chance to test drive one yesterday. However, I didn't get the opportunity to really test the acceleration - the goddamn thing ran out of gas after about five minutes in! The salesguy was a total idiot. So my first H3 experience consisted of me and my pregnant wife pushing one up a small hill into a parking lot off a busy main road. Then we had to walk back to the dealership.

Here was the cake topper - just before we left I asked our sales guy if we could get a brochure - his response "We only give those to the guys who are gonna buy one." After the dirty look I gave him he immediatly said "Oh, OK, I guess I can..." I mean, sheesh!

Anyways, we liked what we saw. But guess I'll have to check one out at one of the other dealerships here in town....
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