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Old 03-25-2005, 11:42 AM
Hummers_Suck Hummers_Suck is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 1
Hummers_Suck is off the scale

First of all I'd like to say it a shame what happened to these two young people. This should of never happened, but when you don't follow the rules you put yourself and others at risk.

I am a former employee of Assateague during my college days. The rangers that work there are good people and are always willing to help people and go above and beyond what they are asked.

Are the Rangers at fault for Adam's stupidity? Are they at fault he was driving a vehicle that wasn't designed for high rates of speed? Should he have been in an area that was off limits?

I feel like the coast guard in OC should have been involved with a helicopter or such. I'm not sure if it was.
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