Thread: Bew hew....
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Old 01-11-2006, 10:02 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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h2co-pilot is an unknown quantity at this point

Do you guys remember when I spilled mocha in the SUT and ruined my phone a couple of weeks ago?

Well, that day I got a new Razr. Well, just about an hour ago. I did virtually the same thing but worse.

I keep my phone in this little place under the radio, right above the cup holders. I heard something splash in my ice water cup when I stopped. I reached in and it was my phone!! I pulled into a bank parking lot.

I started freaking out and took it apart like the man told me. Blowing into the electrical parts and quikly dried it off cussing with worry. It seemed to be okay but I was worried- obviously from before, and the screen started acting funny. I left it apart and got back on the road. What the hell was I going to tell Kenny. He was still pissed from the first episode.

I had just picked up little Mama and she wanted chicken nuggets. So I knew I would have to stop at Wendy's before I got home. It was late and she was hungry. Time was an issue and I wanted to make sure the phone was okay.

I thought "A hairdryer..that's it, I will use my hair dryer on it when I get home. I am a smart bitch...blah blah blah..." Then while driving I had the window half way down. It was in the 70's today..nice. I thought "Hey I could hold it out the window and really start fixing it." No later that the moment I held it out, it flew out of my hand and fell out into the busy rush hour traffic and clacked on the street.

"OHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!" I quickly turned around in a parking lot. Got back on the busy street...I had to look for it. After 15 minutes I did.
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