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Old 02-02-2005, 03:32 PM
4churchill 4churchill is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: HIHUMMER =\'s Mrs. Churchie :D
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4churchill is off the scale

wow a forum 3sum, man Dennis you Canadiens are friend Tim The Canadian, as we call him, had a hilarious occurance this morning. He actually works for me, as well as being in the car business, I also own part if a custom golf club building business, and Yogi Berra is a customer of ours. Yogi came driving up this morning, to sign a picture for me of him,Whitey ford, the yankee clipper, and casey stengal, when he comes riding up in the golf cart, Tim says wow look at that guy with those big goofey ears, so i punched him in the arm, and said "thats yogi berra", and he said , wow poor sap, what a bad name for his parents to give him....i almost died, hahahahahhaha i had to explain about the greatness of the man he was about to meet, in about 10 secs as he was pulling up. Yogi and Elston Howard are my two favortie ball players, and since Elston is no longer with us, this is the only one of my ball playing heros i can meet. So anyway, not to hijack your thread, but thats my canadian story for the day!
Stealth Grey SUT With Too Much Crap!!!
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