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Old 03-23-2003, 04:48 AM
Steve R Steve R is offline
Hummer Authority
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Los Angeles, Calif
Posts: 1,283
Steve R is off the scale

We played around these rocks and then moved back into the hills. At one point we had to go through a farmers property (just barely) and we moved with stealth graceness....

We then came to the big climb....Craigs inclinometer almost got buried into the 45-degrees mark!!!

Be sure to check out the red Hummer at the very very very top of the hill climb....even pics can't steal the steepness of this climb. It was a lot steeper then the pics shows you!

As Ole Yellr pointed out: just behind us was the could actually see a big traffic slow-down (from 70mph to maybe 30mph) and everybody slowing down big-time to watch our Hummer-pack work our way up this nasty hill.
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