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Old 07-22-2005, 10:10 PM
geberhard geberhard is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 36
geberhard is off the scale

Yep, some trails have been getting worse in the last years, if I had a buck for every can of Coors light and Corona I picked from teh trails we go... It is a sucky situation. A lot of kids that do not see the problem in front of their faces. getting pretty bad, and the Rubicon may become a posterchild to what is coming out next. Mored education needed, enforcement needed, trail manners, good common sense (too much drinking and driving on the trails lately). It gives wheeling and the sport a bad image it does not need. Also impacts anyone who wishes to even take their families on a simple SUV camp out.

We try enfrocing, even about people packing their poo out of the trail, but some just laugh, and keep on trashing. Pretty sad. On the plkus side, the community is recognizing this issues, and more aliances are forming to help prevent that, educate, and enforce good trail manners. Kind aonly time will tell, but do not wait.

I dig scuba, and anytime I am under I also collect piles of trash beer cans, plastic, bottles, etc. Would be easy to blame people fishing in the areas, and cope out, but it is not about that. Some people are not getting it until it is too late. It has got to change sometime.

I miss the hood
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