Thread: H3 vs. LR3
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Old 01-17-2006, 03:47 AM
Humm3r Humm3r is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 78
Humm3r is off the scale

truck trend has LR3 #1 and H3 #2. Have any of you seen or taken the LR3 off road? How do you guys think the H3 measures up to the LR3? A friend of mine is going to buy the LR3, and the debates have already started. On paper, the LR3 sounds amazing. Here are some of the specs on the LR3:

Ground clearance (off road mode): 9.5 in
Angle of approach: 32.2-37.2
Angle of departure: 24.9-29.6
ramp breakover angle: 22.8-27.9
ascent/descent: 45/45 degrees
side slope: 35 degrees continuous
wading depth: 27.6 in
18"-19" rims
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