Thread: Need ID help
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Old 04-06-2005, 11:43 AM
MVandoren1 MVandoren1 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Missouri
Posts: 3
MVandoren1 is off the scale

Sorry about the gun turret detail- I wasn't the one who saw it, it was in Missouri though probably on I-44 between Joplin and St.louis (my small attempt at humor there for anyone from Missouri...). I'm sure the turret (no mention from my friend of an actual gun attached) was positioned where it normally would be-
Part of the irony in Hummer Guru asking if he saw any words was that, Yes he did. He noticed the two (Cruisers I'll call them now) were Impalas by chevy. He specifically mentioned to his coworker to check out the "badge" to see who these were with. The "less than with it" coworker replied, "Impala" and then it was to late- they were too far separated and on a big time schedule. Thank you both for your insights, the GM thing sounds a "little" more plausible than the Chrome loving aliens, but then if you've recently crashed your ship and want to travel the Earth in style- THIS would certainly be one way to accomplish that
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