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Old 06-11-2005, 11:35 AM
tonka61 tonka61 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 57
tonka61 is off the scale

no that really is not the reason but go ahead and think that way because everyone has there point of view. here is my point of view, if you want to compete in the world today in any market your pricing has to be competitive and you need to deliver quality they both go hand and hand. you cant count on a certain class of people to carry your business ($) especially in the auto bizz. i know this i build medit. villas and tried to keep my pricing for a certain person ($)and my product just sat till i woke up and got real. the market world is competitive. gm across the board is not competitive. example know gm want to sell the h2 hummer at the employee discount $46,500 i hear. because gm thought they could ride on the backs of a certain class of people. well sorry gm is at the door of wake up but what do they do get rid of 25,000 workers to solve there problems. i could go on and on but i have to get to work. do your home work before you bash people trying to buy products from business that are competitive.
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