Thread: Jeeps are junk?
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Old 05-05-2005, 01:59 PM
maz maz is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 69
maz is off the scale

Well, my apologies Phil, I thought that those comments were sent from you.

However Longhornrockcrawler a.k.a Bovine prairie oyster fondler, I am not looking for attention nor am I a whiner. It is interesting to see that you have the ability to past judgment on someone without even knowing him. You need to understand that cow patties are not rocks regardless on how big they are.

Granted I am a new user of the forum. Big deal. So were you at one point. So what if I have asked others, opinions on certain items that interest ME. I could care less if they interest you or not. Non-traditional “Longhorn” breeding techniques do not concern me. By the way what size of a rubber boot do you wear anyways? For the record, I am here to exchange information that might prove helpful to me and possibly someone else. PERIOD. Being a clown like you with wiseass comments makes me think that your chewing tobacco has affected more then the color of your teeth, if you still have any.

You are unfortunately the exact stereotypical H2 owner that I do not want to be part of. You are the reason why some of us get cussed at; as some of the public see us H2 owners as don’t give a **** about anything kind of people. Thank God I do not live close to your inbred sorry ass as I can only imagine what reputation your mouth generates in PR for other local H2 owners.

By the way I can see that your knowledge of Germany is little to none. The name of the city is Frankfurt. Spend more time with your websters and less time sniffing gas and you might come off as something more then a person that survived Waco or was that Wacko?
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