Thread: HUMdeVille
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Old 08-20-2003, 08:32 PM
Roadsurfer Roadsurfer is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 81
Roadsurfer is off the scale


Your reverence for the H2 is laudable, but borders on the pathological.

And whereas disagreements can be fun in these forums, you've decided to make this into a personal issue. So, hell, sport, if ya wanna dance THAT dance, I am down

Lets cut to the're a hypoctrite...a pathological hypocrite, at that.

You suggest that your business is above reproach..essentially, you define the ethical execution of a business....yet you are more than willing to attack my ethics. That is simply juvenile, as well as hypoctrical.

Your "public" standards are apparently inconsistent with your "personal" standards...because in here, where you have the protection of anonymity, and therefore dont have to subscribe to what you define as superior business ethics, you're more than willing to make this a personal issue, and insult me personally.

Bad form, Willis....means you're hypocrticial.

You further inflate your own sense of self-worth by "adding into" the fundamental bias you already suggest that I "went against my own professional opinion"...

Nothing could be further from the truth. Like most biased hypocrites, you associate value with assumptions to extend your argument. Naturally, that argument falls down in the face of facts, but it sounds good when you type it, doesnt it?

In the end, this thing is nothing more than an object. Its ONLY value is to the person that posesses it. Its is soulless.

It is hardly the religion that you have apparently made it. In the end, it is simply a truck. And last time I checked.......

...I have NEVER insulted someone personally for their work. Ever. I could give a rats ass if you dont like it...thats fine with me. In fact, I suspected the reaction of the H2 Devotees to be similar to what I have seen.

I didnt expect bigotry and personal attacks.

But IS fun. So, if ya wanna continue in this vein, I am down. I mean, other than enjoying this forum, I only have a couple other tasks...

One of which is cutting the roof off one of these things to make a convertible out of it.

Want me to post some pics?
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