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Old 03-21-2005, 03:08 PM
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PARAGON has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally posted by Linda:
ok..... Im like really getting upset about this whole thing, and the way it was handled after reading these posts!

I was a dear freind of Adam (the driver of the hummer) and I have been doing so much research on the internet about the whole happenings of that night, when I stumbled upon this site. Very interesting, yet very very disturbing. Without a doubt they BOTH should be alive today if it werent for poor communication along with what appears to be a lot of poor dessions that night. Such as calling of the search the night that they could have been saved.

This is the first I have heard about a second 911 call, does anyone have any further info on that? Last I heard the 911 clearly could heard from the Onstar people that there was a girl in great distress.... to me that would be enough to have a bit more extensive search. Then another site I was on said that bassed on the cords that they gave, they certainly could have at least been in the general vasinity IF they had read them right!!

Sorry, dont mean to rant, but this was my freind!! And it makes me sick to think of him freezing to death out there while Jen went walking to get help and this whole thing could have very possibly ended on a much better note.

I know that Adam did feel fearless in his hummer, and apparently he was doing some pretty wild driving.

Soooo, so sad

Linda, maybe you misunderstood or I have misunderstood. I don't think there was ever any mention of a second 911 call. I made the point that after the initial search turned up nothing, a simple call to Onstar to verify the location and/or signal from the truck should have taken place. But since the coordinates were never passed on to the Rangers from the 911 operator, even though Onstar gave the 911 operator the coordinates, I am sure this never crossed anyone's mind.

Also, I haven't read an article stating that the female passenger actually talked to the Onstar people. Here is a quote from OnStar Vice President of Communications Terry Sullivan taken from one of the newspaper articles on it:
“We did receive the emergency key press but were never able to make verbal contact with the caller,” he said. “We could hear a woman in distress on the tape but it was unintelligible. We could hear screams but it was garbled.”
To be frank, without any knowledge except for what's been in print, it appears that, from the initial button call to Onstar to calling off the search, this was not given much priority and was an emergency systems failure from beginning to end. There was no sense of emergency from the 911 operators because they called off the sheriff's office and did not pass the coordinates along, there was obviously no sense of emergency to the rangers since they stopped to help get someone unstuck, Onstar keeps pointing to the fact that there was no airbag notification (sounding more like an excuse), and the Rangers' representative said they "looked" in all the places permitted for vehicles (sounds like another excuse).

All of this is just reading between the lines of what happened per the news reports. The fact that the coordinates were not used to begin with and then no one every followed up with Onstar to try to verify the vehicle's location is just lost on me.
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