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Old 06-15-2006, 12:33 AM
Vandakeg Vandakeg is offline
Hummer Veteran
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 90
Vandakeg is off the scale
Default Re: Power mods for the I-5

I don't know if anyone else has seen or heard of this.. but I just had a customer of mine show me what he had done to his f-350 power-stroke diesel.

Let me start off by saying this guy is crazy.... Anyway, in addition to his power chip (which gave him about 150 more HP), he is running Hydrogen into his air intake. It looked like a freakin' science lab under his hood!

The system was really kind of basic. All he has to do is put water in the system, it then uses some sort of 'crystals' and electricity from the battery to seperate the Hydrogen from the Oxygen in H20, and the hydrogen travels through a tube straight into the air intake. The Hydrogen then combusts with the fuel, adding 20-30% HP.

I pretty much told him he was full of it, and there's no way it's actually doing what he's claiming. He then proceeded to disconnect the 'Hydrogen' hose, and wrapped a zip-lock baggie around it. He turned on his truck, and sure enough the baggie started puffing up w/ cloudy white gas. He then zipped the bag up, set it on the ground, and took a lighter to it.... Sure enough, it blew loud enough to set my car alarm off!

He said they're available for cars too, for about $800... I can't remember the website though.
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