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Old 06-07-2005, 06:37 PM
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XM DUDE XM DUDE is offline
Hummer Expert
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: My Happy place.
Posts: 543
XM DUDE is off the scale

My wife wants to get a Tahoe or a 4 Runner and wants to wait 2to 3 years to see how reliable the H3 really is, I see her point, but why waste $$$$$ on a vehicle you really don't want.
How do I convince her the H3 is good vehicle, as I know it will be, as I know GM is putting alot more effert into the Hummer H3 as it can help save GM's ass if they can sell enough of them.
Liven large in XM's sonic temple.
When all else fails, blame it on childhood issues.
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