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Old 07-21-2006, 05:56 AM
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evldave evldave is offline
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Default Buying new pistol, need advice

ok, here's my deal. I have a shotgun, which I use mostly for hunting, but w/slug & 0000 shot works well for home defense (behind the locks and my 2 75# dogs).

What I'm looking for now, is a pistol, something I can carry w/me. I used to have Karr .40 cal w/3.5" barrel. Honestly, I hated it - too short barrel, plus a trigger/double-pull safety. I'm not too interested in home safety, with the dogs & shotgun. If I was, I've but a 15 round .22 w/hollow points - about a good as a home defense pistol as you can find (behind the shotgun).

What I need is a pistol (not revolver, hate 'em), with >6 round clip, with a real safety, with a >4" barrel, that can stop a bear/wolf/cougar/etc. I'll use it mostly for personal protection in my car, but want a single gun for both traveling protection + camping/outdoors. I was in Alaska a couple years ago and ended up 10' from a black bear. Everything worked out, but I have had a run-in w/the shotgun where my brother and I dumped 6 rounds of 4 shot into a small black bear while pheasant hunting near Yakima WA. I never want to be that freaked out again - I want a pistol I trust to take care of that for me. Pull it and shoot, no worries.

Without a bunch of BS about gun safety (I'm comfortable w/guns, been shooting them for 15 years), what's the best gun for my needs under $700? I don't mind used, don't need a laser sight, won't use it for target practice, can shoot quite well under pressure, and just need something with stopping power. Thanks.
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