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Old 07-23-2006, 04:58 AM
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Default Re: Buying new pistol, need advice

Originally Posted by PARAGON
Secondly, and going all the way back up to the top. Evldave, you need to seek advice from some professionals. Because your statement about a .22 being as good as any home defense pistol, is, well, just ignorant.

oh, I'm gonna have to disagree. A .22 w/15 round clip & hollow points at close range (inside my house, once they get past the locks and the dogs) will easy be the best pistol for simple home defense. I've shot a lot of pistols (not as much as probably many of you, but everything from a .22 to a .50 cal that my old boss had) and the easiest to aid and shoot repeatedly is a .22 - the lowest kick = the highest repeatability. Don't get me wrong, in a single shot setup, a bigger gun would be better, but if I'm in a situation where I'm shooting a gun to save my life, I want repeatability and lots of bullets. I can't guarantee my aim (no matter how much practice) when some crazy fiknut is in my house, has made it past the alarm, the locks, the dogs, and I left the shotgun in the safe. My 2 cents...
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