Thread: Why H3?
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Old 08-28-2006, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Why H3?

Originally Posted by Tex_h2
Let's try a bit of honesty, shall we? May I first say, after arduously working my way through your impossible syntax, and numerous grammatical errors, I have whittled your post down to hopefully finding the point. I must ask, while laughing at your lack of common sense, how could you possible know what I can afford? You are sadly oblivious to a bounty of facts, so I will do my best to educate your dysfunctional fact finding feeble brain. Intelligent automobile buyers always buy after market, because they allow fools like you to "take the hit" as we call it. If you need a financial group who will rape the dollars right out of your pocket to aid in your purchase, it's of no consequence to me.

Making fun of me? Are you in high school or just sitting around counting pores with pubic hairs popping up? You make statements so blatantly erroneous as ?no one likes", not understanding that you are attempting to bolster your childish angst with an invisible army of " many". If you have an opinion in future, try with great courage, to allow that opinion to be yours. Have you not the courage of your own convictions, it would be prudent to remain silent, less you look the fool? Oh, and enthusiastic is spelled incorrectly in your post. Point of order, if you are attempting to appear intelligent, get the spelling down properly, as was a point made to me ad nauseum.

Your egotistical arrogance in saying " I'll let you apologize" bespeaks the mind of a brainless, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing Neanderthal, who assumes the entire world lives in that same horrible cramped cubical you call a world. There are actually people who work, save money, and don't have debt, unlike you, who live paycheck to paycheck, and knowing full well that the light at the end of their fantasy tunnel is an on-coming train.

Not that it needs defending, but my lack of response simply lies in the fact, that I've used up my entire year's supply of " Chimp Chat" and can no longer reply to the likes of you. This one last post was a pay back to next years allotment.

My statements still stand. H3 Hummer's were a way to boost revenue to a declining sales record. It allowed those who will be forever incapable of jumping the fence to excellence; feel as if they can play with the Big Boys. Remember this, as you Fred Flintstone your way along the life's highway in your cheap version of the real thing, that indeed, you are taking a knife to a gunfight.

WOW! sory iff i spel this rong, butt u suk. actaully i lied, i am not sorry if it was spelled wrong, but you do suck. hahaha
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