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Old 01-18-2005, 03:43 PM
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Sharkster Sharkster is offline
Hummer Veteran
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 193
Sharkster is off the scale

Hi there, I believe that the HUMMER H3 might become a huge success in Europe and especially in Germany, since its size, fuel economy and image fit the European attitude towards SUVs. Since I know that there's no official launch of that car planned in Europe, I consider importing it professionally to most European countries with my company. Does anyone know whom to contact for business proposals in the states? Thanks in advance...

PS: One thing I am surprised about is the fact that there aren't more pictures about the H3 on the web. I though it was presented at the Detroit Auto Show, wasn't it? Someone's got to have more pictures on his private homepage or so... does anyone have a link to more pics? (I already have the lynchhummer preview pics) Thanks.
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