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Old 04-21-2006, 02:03 PM
PARAGON's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 24,247
PARAGON has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Your "plan" is a problem, not a solution.

Sorry, but you are just oversimplifying things. To suggest that one could just dump them all in the military and "train" them is ludicrous. The military is currently a voluntary organization. By your definition of the illegals, they would be "forced" to serve and that is not what our military is predicated upon.

Leave the military out of this.

Secondly, are you hinting at a mild form of slavery? Forcing the illegals to work some specific job for their American citizenship?

Lastly, I just don't see the logic of allowing more legal immigrants is going to fix anything. It makes no sense. The people that are illegal aliens are not of means and cannot pay or afford the process and want the anonymity of illegality. They send large portions of their paychecks back to their families in the home countries, in many cases without any taxes taken. By allowing MORE legals would not accomodate the problems as they exist now.
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