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Old 01-07-2007, 09:29 PM
Steve R Steve R is offline
Hummer Authority
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Los Angeles, Calif
Posts: 1,283
Steve R is off the scale
Default Re: What's up you mud-dogs?


Not much. Got totally burned-out on running the off-road club, I let it go entirely. I got tired of running the same old trails and the HOURS, BLISTERS AND GAS spent prer-running & trimming back the trail so that everyone was happy. We also had too many dealers refering people to us. As a result the fun/cool guys did their own thing looking to avoid the newbie-parade and I got stuck with a bunch of strangers looking for their free 2nd Hummer Happening. I was always worried about someone suing me if they got hurt or scratched their rig too. I did it all for fun, no money or other interest....and we did have us some good fun!!!

I'm enjoying the Ferrari thing now. It's a lot of fun, although they don't get better gas milage (when driven properly) then the H2. A group of guys meet right up the street every weekend and we have cigar-nights, lunches, drives, etc. It's a lot of fun and they're just about as sick as you boys. It's the opposite of off-roading, even the slightest crack in the road gives cause for concern...and a scratch (or the dreaded rock-chip) sends chils down owners backs! Still, a LOT of fun.

I miss the off-roading a bit...perhaps I'll find a local group (hook me up Horace) and go along one of these days. I got the H2 detailed and all the scratches came out of it pretty nicely...not sure if I have any clear-coat left to buff. The winch & gear just sits there begging to be put to use.

Otherwise all is well...lost a few more pounds, playing racquetball, mountain biking, a bit of weight-training. Kids are growing, business is good.

What's up with all of you? Is Alec still around...I've not seen any post by him on these recent threads?
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