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Old 03-28-2007, 03:47 AM
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Default Re: Marker lamp window noise???!?!?!!!!

Originally Posted by 3Hummer
I know this has been discussed many times, but i would like some more recent answers and imput. Currently i dont have the marker lamps on but i sceduled an appoinment to get them on Monday. I have heard many people saying how it is sooo much noiser with them. Has anyone gone from no marker lamps to now having em, if so is it that much worse? And for those who have had it from the begging does your car seem to have louder wind noise than it should>? Thanks

We have had two H3's.
The first one had the oem roof mounted off road lights which basically has what to me appeared to be about the same plastic base, other than one has the configuration for two lights and the other has the marker lights. Never had a sound out of them. We got the base one in January 2006.

We traded that one in, a base model, for an adventure and had the marker lights installed on the second one prior to pickup.

Now with the marker lights anytime we are going over 50 mph and there is a headwind coming at us of at least 30 mph or more we get a whapping sound from above...

I think how the technician installs them puts a factor in the whole thing, which makes it a crap shoot.

As a sidenote, when there is no headwind coming at the truck, I can go 75 and there is no whapping at all.
Black Sheep Hummer Squadron

Last edited by westhillsat : 03-28-2007 at 03:49 AM.
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