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Old 04-13-2007, 06:47 PM
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obzidian obzidian is offline
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Default Re: What $150K Can do to an H2!!

its understandable that some of the die-hard off-road guys see a h2 with non-off road equipement and tear it up verbally. However, its not a jeep with "ok" interior... the h2 has, imo, the best of both worlds. It can off-road, clearly evident in this forum, and it also luxurious when cruising. I cannot say how much i love the interior in my h2 over my cts-v i had prior to this. Seriously, that caddy interior was horrible.

I feel that since this truck can do both equal well, that it brings two different types of people together that will always clash. Purists versus pimpist'!

Can this truck off-road like some of the other trucks here... not with that tire/wheel set. However, swap them out for stockers on 37's and be assured that it will be the pimpist h2 crawling or hitting the mud.

I like the tire choice over some of the others on 24's. Would i do something like this, sure, but i would have a set of 37/13.5's on black powdercoated stockers ready to hit tellico!! Also, i understand the pro-athelete's and rappers have given the image that hummers are for chroming, not off-roading. But that is just one side of the puzzle as most on here have proven with video's and such. Let the non=owner h2 haters talk, i dont give a sh!t! I know what this truck can do. And that is both look good and off-road good. We should be all proud of that, not maybe trucks have good street manners/cred and back it up on the trails.

Last edited by obzidian : 04-13-2007 at 06:51 PM.
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