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Old 05-15-2007, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: Has anyone else had to have the entire head replaced? I smell recall.

Originally Posted by Dani
I called Hummer Corporate today to discuss the multiple issues I've had with my H3. The rep I was talking to said that he couldn't believe all the problems I've had so far. I explained to him that I'm a little concerned about how the vehicle is gonna run after the factory warranty runs out. He basically said that there's nothing he can do for me but if I'm interested in an extended warranty I could contact GM Protection Plus.
He said he was making a service file for my complaints and needed more info. When I started answering his questions and listing the problems I've been having he said he was escilating the complaint to a case manager who would be contacting me within a few days. The rep also said that he's pretty sure that the case manager would be able to offer me something to compensate me for my troubles.
I'm a little annoyed right now as on Wed. of last week I took my H3 in as I had multiple issues at the once that needed fixed asap. On Thursday morning I called the dealership to see what they found wrong with it. They explained what they found and said that they'd ordered parts that should be in later that day (thursday). 6pm friday comes along and I finally hear from the service dept. Parts didn't come in- but they'll definitely be in on Monday and I'll have my H3 back Monday afternoon. Well guess what- it's Monday afternoon and the parts still did not come in and I"m still missing my H3. (Yes I do have an H3 rental car but come on- my H3 is like my 3rd child....I miss it) Hopefully my H3 will be ready tomorrow. If not- I'm gonna be beyond pissed....what kind of "authorized dealer" can't get parts? This is ridiculous! My hubby's ready to trade the H3 back in for another Element.

Any update on your problems Dani?
Paul M

Black Sheep Hummer Squadron
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