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Old 03-22-2005, 09:02 AM
Hummoron Hummoron is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 21
Hummoron is off the scale

This is from tower who is clearly blaming the park ranger (who he refers to as "Fudge(packer)" for the deaths:

"I hope this idiot is lying, because without some serious retraining and policy changes, more people will die. There's nothing quite so arrogant as someone being at least partially responsible for two deaths, and then blaming the victims for being out of area or speeding."

And then he adds:

"Sorry, but this "doublespeak" really pisses me off. My politics may be a shade left of center, but I have a hard time abiding those who don't take responsibility for the mess they've created."

Well, it was the driver who created the mess that got himself killed. Yes, it would have been great had everything (Onsat -> 911 -> Ranger) worked and help arrived for them. But when you do something foolish, you have to take responsibility for your own actions and not expect someone else to come and save you.

Had they been in the correct area, another 4-wheeler would have probably come across them. It is amazing just how much traffic that beach sees, even in the winter.

It was the attitude from tower (and a few others) that set me of. The park rangers' job is to manage the park, create maps of the environment, control how it changes, and keep others from destroying it. Responding to someone who is stuck in the sand is not their prime role.
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