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Old 06-09-2007, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: What kinda music do U listen to?

Originally Posted by IRA51
Since I don't consider rap music,I listen to everything except country .but Rock is still my favorite .for some odd reason Rap realy get's on my nerves,and that loud thumping that is pure distortion that is so loud it vibrates my vehicle makes me whant to find and destroy the sorce . maybe I'm just a cranky old man but I think it is rude as hell to make the vehicles around you buzz and vibrate in traffic .If they like it loud that's kool but when it is that loud that I can hear it in my vehicle with the windows up and it makes my vehicle vibrate than that is just plain rude and makes me so pissed off I want to murder the culprit.

I would suggest telling them to turn it down, however that probably won't work due to the fact that they are probably tone deaf.
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