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Old 08-11-2007, 04:43 AM
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Default Re: Engine Temperature

Originally Posted by wpage
Keep an eye on your coolant levels. The electric fan could effect your battery life and possibly warranty issues.

Dump the OEM battery, get a coil battery to start. Coolant has to be 50/50, and adjusted to season that your are driving in.

If your stuck in traffic, shut off the A/C.

If your idle, the A/C can not reboot. This will send your temp dial to the sky.

Ask any soldier that has been to Iraq if they had A/C in their Hummer.

Some will say yes, that's because they were driving, not in idle. Others will say no, because they were in idle.
black 06 H3, tow package, monsoon, no bling bling, all the off road stuff... I even have the off road stuff that your mother warned you about.

veg?e?tar?i?an (vĕj'ĭ-t?r'ē-ən): Old Indian word for "Poor Hunter"
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