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Old 09-23-2007, 04:49 PM
star star is offline
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Default Re: In response to all the global warming threads, who thinks its a myth, or true?

I've seen many chat rooms filled with questions such as these and the resident people continue to dispute anthropogenic causes of climate change.

Let me ask what you do for a living so that I can tell you how to do your job better, how to analyze your data better and tell you where you're judgment is faulty. Sounds silly, huh? So let's chat away about the feasibility of climate change and how moronic the majority of climate scientists are. Certainly we are equipped to intelligently pick apart their data and arrive at a much more practical, comfortable prediction that we can live with.

One part of why we exist on this planet is an hospitable atmosphere. It doesn't matter how you look at it, taking all the carbon that's been sequestered in the ground over millions of years and pumping it into our atmosphere will create an inbalance and have consequences. Whether or not those consequences are of importance to you is another matter. Based on the nature of humanity thus far, and how everything is valued by profit only, I'm guessing we will continue to conduct ourselves in the same manner (no matter the rate of extinction) until we don't have food on our table due to loss of arable land or drought, and there is a migration from coastal areas to the degree that our comfortable living has been disrupted.

My local news network had a segment about global warming. There were climate scientists that were explaining the realism of climate change and then one gentleman that "debunked" their data. This individual that provided the debunking is a party that receives a large amount of funding from oil companies. So when a prior poster states that we should "follow the money", I would concur.

Due to the fact that oil is a finite resource, and that there are many other developing nations that require vast amounts of this limited resource, and that there is another human being born every second on this we not have reasons other than climate change to worry about the degree, and for what reasons, we use this limited resource? Would it not be better to prepare for a future of lesser quantities of this resource? It is a certainty that we will be confronted with this position and we'd better be prepared. Our entire agricultural base relies on sound philosophies/practices concerning oil.
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