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Old 09-23-2007, 10:03 PM
star star is offline
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Default Re: In response to all the global warming threads, who thinks its a myth, or true?

Originally Posted by Sewie
True. And I'll bet the dinosaurs believed they would always roam the planet. One of the things that gets me in the "global warming" debate is the arrogant belief that the human species (or any species for that matter) is meant to inhabit this planet for all eternity. And the even more arrogant belief that we actually have any control over that.

I'm not sure what your argument here is, if that is even your position. If you're saying that we'll go extinct anyway so why bother, I can agree w/ you on the first part. If nothing else kills us, the lack of our sun will when it nears the end of it's life span (if we're still around then, which is doubtable).

Regarding our arrogance - that's what rules humanity. We, since our existence, believe we can control, amend, harness, dictate nature's directive and in the end it costs us billions and billions of dollars and typically we end up having to try to right our wrongs and put nature back as it was before our interference. Damming of water, and the redirection of water, is a great example of this. These acts kill off our wetlands that help to cease flooding of our homes and act as buffers against severe weather. How much money are we pumping into the Everglades because of the destruction we've caused there? Arrogance is what got us into this mess. Ceasing to mess up our atmosphere would indicate to me that we've become more humbled in our approach - not more arrogant. That's exactly why I'm sure we'll continue to conduct ourselves as we've always done, with arrogance. It seems to be more embedded in our nature.

Climate change will correct part of the problem if we choose not to. It will kill many people with severe weather, diseases that migrate due to the warmer climate (west nile is here to stay and others will follow), famine. The rest of us will just have to contend with a collapsing agricultural scenario as we chose not to conserve our oil. 6 Billion people doesn't really create a sustainable picture. We're already in trouble with the viability of our seafood food source.
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