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Old 12-20-2002, 01:39 AM
HummerGirl HummerGirl is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: In the Deep South, Along the Shore of the Flint River
Posts: 442
HummerGirl is off the scale

I was at the red neck mall (wal-mart) the other day picking up a few things for our off road trip this weekend and was getting out of my H2. Before I actually got out I was putting papers (checks and deposits)and envelopes away out of sight. As I was doing this two young black men walked in front of my H2 and were making comments about it. I had the sunroof propped up and I could hear what they were saying.

Of course they were going on and on about it in their hip-hop talk. One came up to the grill and said "Bitch, what you need this for?" thinking that I could not hear him. I igonored him of course. He went on to say, "Bitch, you need to get out so I can see inside this ride cause I need it.". And then I looked up and he was a little shocked that I heard everything he said.

I rolled down the window as he was walking up to the my side of the H2 and asked "what did you say?", he replied..."Oh I was just looking at your ride."

I replied "Uh, that's not what you said and I you really don't need this in the hood do you?"...shocked that a short white girl would reply so boldly, he remarked that he thought it was too big for me to drive. I told him it was plenty big for the gun under my seat.

They quickly trotted on in the Walmart. Another black gentleman came up to me after I finally got out and commented with a great big smile on how much he really liked it. He said it was so bad!!!

So frankly I'm not thrilled about seeing H2 on MTV and becoming a "rappers/gangster" mobile. I got enough of that with my 7 series. I want the H2 to give presence of the rough and rugged American man and it's soil.

Can't believe I was so gutsy with this guy. Thank god their are cameras at wal-mart. I would have hated to gone Madeline TooGood on his ass in the parking lot. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif[/img]

White 2003 H2
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