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Old 07-29-2008, 02:39 PM
mdoyle mdoyle is offline
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Default Re: Speedometer Needle Stuck

The needles in these clusters are driven by tiny servo motors, once they go bad no amount of key cycling is going to fix them- they have to be replaced.

I bought a couple off eBay for around $12 bucks and did the repair myself. The trickiest part for most is going to be desoldering the old motors and soldering in the new ones. It's not impossible and you can pick up the tools at Radio Shack.

Even though I marked the needle positions before disassembling the cluster, I used a GPS on the highway to set the speedo needle exactly. The Federalies around here are sticklers

If you can get warranty coverage, do it; but if they try to gig you for a couple hundred or worse then grab the motors off eBay (they come with good instructions) and fix it yourself.
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