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Old 04-18-2009, 05:39 AM
zzr zzr is offline
Hummer Novice
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 24
zzr is off the scale
Default Re: Third row for H3?

I have two little passenger seats mounted facing the rear. My kids that ride in the third row are 10 (very tall for her age) and 11 (a little shorter than average). I anticipate that this arrangement will work for about another year before I'll have to buy a bigger vehicle.

When configured as just a single side facing seat, even my hulking 13-year old can ride back in the third row. Being a 13-year old male, he has a natural tendency to slouch, though. There is a limit, however. I'm 6'3, and there is no way that I can ride back there due to constraints in both headroom and legroom.

Regarding the seat quality, they are fantastic. The fabric exactly matches that of the rest of my truck. The huge steel plate bracket on which the two seats are mounted actually has the "H3" logo stenciled out via CNC machine.
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