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Old 03-22-2005, 12:55 AM
Hummoron Hummoron is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 21
Hummoron is off the scale

Wow, H2 Rocks. Your attitude really typifies the egotistical hummer owner and why more of them need to flip upside down in the ocean.

This seagull food hummer (you just gotta know that those birds were picking at him overnight looking for a free meal) owner breaks the law, acts like an idiot and kills himself, but somehow it isn't his fault that he died. Let's blame someone else for his stupid actions. It certainly can't be his fault, he was invincible in his hummer. Let's blame everyone who didn't save him.

Funny, you call me selfish, but it was this prick that was abusing the beach for his own little pleasure and guzzling down gas causing prices to soar. But I guess he was special and deserved to be selfish...and dead.

And contrary to your last sentence, it is he who is out of the gene-pool, not me. Join your friend.
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