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Old 02-11-2010, 04:14 PM
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Default Hummers Getting Props in The Wall Street Journal

Yesterday a reporter from the Wall Street Journal got ahold of me through this site and did a phone interview with me. I guess he saw my post on how much I liked running around DC when no one else can, a big wig in the government also gave Hummer owners some praise, here is the portion of the article:

The storm has coughed up a host of nicknames?snowmageddon, snowpocalypse, tsnonami, snoverkill, snowoverit, snOMG. It has also spawned a blizzard of antistimulus snipes, like how Washington has finally found the ultimate shovel-ready project.

Across the city, few vehicles stirred, except the odd SUV. "I have one big word for it?'liberating,' " said Chad Vieau, a District of Columbia resident who has been careening around in his Hummer. His proudest moment came, he said, when he pulled a police car out of a snowbank. Though his friends laughed when he bought the vehicle, "I'm feeling good now," he said.

"People have finally found a use for their Hummers," shot back Dan Becker, who directs the Safe Climate Campaign and has inveighed against SUVs. "Now if some entrepreneur would just ship all this snow to Vancouver, Greenland and the arctic, where it is so clearly needed."

How F'n cool is that!
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