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Old 09-11-2012, 11:45 PM
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USMC_Buckaroo USMC_Buckaroo is offline
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Default Re: Removing air suspension, replacing with coils

Howdy Egan,

'Boy Howdy' was that a great post!!!

I have been babying and milkin' my '03 for months, attempting to figure out how best to extend the life of the rear air suspension system. Figured out for a while that if I left the door ajar {in my driveway} the bags wouldn't deflate {worked for a while} Tried several other gyrations until the compressors finally gave out.

I'm retired and pushin' 60 so wasn't excited about jumping under a vehicle again but...after reading your article and how easy you made it seem, I think I'm gonna 'Cowboy Up' and do it myself!

I really want to thank you for taking the time to post that wee tutorial, it really ABC'd me and pushed me into taking the project on...again, Thanks!

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