Thread: H1 purchase
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Old 12-30-2005, 03:03 AM
RonB RonB is offline
Hummer Veteran
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 206
RonB is off the scale

I too owned an H2 for a year and a half and now own a 97.5 open top. I love it. Nothing wrong with the H2 (very comfy as well as quite capable) but I was looking for something different, dare I say more fun? Yes, it's noiser. No, it's not as fast. Yes, there's a bit more maintenance involved. No it's not as comfortable (to some). And yes, I get thumbs up instead of rolled eyes and flip offs -- I'm in LA in the film industry, let's just say there are alot of hybrids and narrow minded people here.

If you are getting one to bling out and drive around the street, please don't. There are enough posers out there. If you need a car to make your dick bigger, get a Lamborghini. If you are wanting to off road, and not afraid of some dirt, scratches, and maybe some rock-rash then by all means you'll love it!

Now, about the maintenace. I'm sure others with more experience and know-how will chime in here, but here's my 2 cents: It's a damn military truck made to go 55 mph in a convoy...not 80 mph down the freeway! It's geared to go slow, it's 8000 lbs, it's hand built. Think of any other high priced, hand-built, low production number vehicle (Lamborghini, Ferrari, Lotus, etc...) I'm sure they spend far more time in the garage with far less miles. And they're not bouncing around in harsh evironments (I guess certain stretches of the 101 can be considered harsh).

So fluids have to be changed and components lubed more frequently than normal trucks. If the maintenace plan is followed, and you operate this machine properly, it will run forever -- see the HML's high mileage Hummer section, many are above 200,000 miles and several over 350,000 miles. Not many Lamborghinis can top that.

Ron B
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