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Old 08-18-2005, 05:28 PM
Hummertech Hummertech is offline
Hummer Professional
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Dallas
Posts: 406
Hummertech is off the scale

I'm not much with computers and I've never burned my own cd's so I may use the wrong terminology, but I think you'll know what i'm talking about. When you burn a CD, most programs give you an option of finalizing the CD (I think that's the term). When you finalize the CD, that means you cannot record more onto the CD later. Well if you don't burn the CD like that, the CD will not work in GM radios. When you put a CD in the radio, the player looks for the beginning and the end of the Cd. If it can't find an end, it will give you an error message.
I bet that's your problem, and I hope that helped.
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