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Old 12-28-2002, 12:43 AM
H2Norcal H2Norcal is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Northern California
Posts: 147
H2Norcal is off the scale

Yeah, we have a lot of 'em here. The day I took it into town for a quick Xmas eve drive to the store, I hit a stop light with another brand new yellow H2 from our same dealership. It was like looking in a mirror while we waited for the light.

We waved and moved on as if to say, "damn, I thought we'd have the first yellow...."

I bought mine in Los Gatos which seems to be where many have been sold in the Bay Area. Apparently all the football players and Bay Area rock stars have been taking delivery there (per the dealer).

Keep in touch. We are anxious to get it off the pavement.
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