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Old 09-20-2005, 01:10 AM
JnStitz JnStitz is offline
Hummer Veteran
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 113
JnStitz is off the scale

To put it simply, If you want an have to love it enough to put up with all that it entails. Not only will it require constant mantenience, and random things going wrong...but its bumpy, loud, and uncomfortable for the most part. But, I swear by mine and wouldn't drive anything else. Others swear at them... If you can do your own work on it, you will save quite a bit, its well worth it to pay a H1 tech to teach you the basics, or try and get into some of AM Generals classes. (Not sure if they still allow just anyone in, they used to) The best year of the older models is said to be the 97.5, this is because it has the upgraded A/C unit which actually blows cold air. Anything before that and you will probably be in a NA diesel engine, as well as a host of the older kinks that weren't quite worked out yet. However if you have the money I would highly suggest going with a Alpha, the duramax is amazing...Or, go with a 2004, just for the new style interior.

Hopefully some of that helps...

H1 Wagon
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