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Old 09-22-2005, 01:52 PM
Hummertech Hummertech is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Dallas
Posts: 406
Hummertech is off the scale

Watch and see, as this Hurricane comes and goes, there will be destruction, and some loss of life, but overall you will see Texas do very well with preparing for it, and reacting to it. Texas will also do a good job of working with the Federal Government to help people and get life back to normal in a hurry. You won't see people all stuck at a convention center or the Astrodome crying, why are they leaving us here to die. You won't see thousands of people stuck on their rooftops, and you won't see a bunch of people blaming the government for one reason or another. This hurricane is stronger than Katrina, but Texas is about to show the country that Katrinas devestation was caused by a major lack of prepardness, lack of planning, and lack of competent leadership in LA to help deal with the situation.
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