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Old 02-10-2003, 07:12 PM
Steve R Steve R is offline
Hummer Authority
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Los Angeles, Calif
Posts: 1,283
Steve R is off the scale

I think the forum is just fine, all the "trolls" are gone, and the one guy we somehow retained seems to be behaving and adding good input to the discussion.

As for what he said on the LR forum...probably just showboating, and he did point out some nice things about us. In the's just text on a computer screen.

Last time I assaulted invaders I got flack for I'm trying the more gentle approach and still getting flack. Tough crowd I tells ya...tough crowd!

But like I say....he's the only one left and he's not only being civil, but adding in a positive manner. If you really want me to hate him...I will. Forgive, forget and move on.
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