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Old 02-08-2003, 02:00 AM
Steve R Steve R is offline
Hummer Authority
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Los Angeles, Calif
Posts: 1,283
Steve R is off the scale


Besides having lots of spunk and flare...this is one guy you DON'T want to tangle with!!

Oh sure, you can meet up in the jungle and challenge eachother one-on-one...and I have no doubt you'd prevail in some fashion....but what exactly do you think your gonnna do to him???

Shoot him, stab him, torch him with gasoline??? Has Hollywood taught you nothing??? Can it be that you've somehow neglected to learn from the many movies such as "Halloween", "Night of the living dead" and other such flicks? Could these valuable lessons have somehow eluded you?

What part of "I'm a lawyer" didn't you get?

CLEARLY my client, hereforth known and referred to as "Sona" is not of sound mind (mentus lackus deficeint-ass)...nor does he possess the mental stability to be held accountible for his words. It is therefore the plea herein set forth that we motion to strike said thread and release him to the custody of the MAC-institute for a better tomorrow.

Please O'practicing mercy unto his soul so that he might one day be granted the opportunity to serve this forum again.
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