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Old 02-27-2003, 04:13 PM
InfamousTeeDog InfamousTeeDog is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Podunk,Texas
Posts: 29
InfamousTeeDog is off the scale

Just remember...the reason that anything is ever built is because there is a market for it. Hey I would love to buy an SUV that gets 30-40mpg, but until automakers start doing it with a technology we know they have, I will continue to buy what is offered. As a business owner, would you produce a venture where the cost outweighed the profit? I don't think so. Jason I respect your viewpoint...I really do. But one person will not change the viewpoint of many intellectually capable individuals. We all have our reasons for doing the things we do because we are all individuals with our own set of values and beliefs. On the contrary I kind of like having you on this sight for your well thought-out viewpoints but lets get real...You are doing nothing more than wasting your own time.

"Honesty is the best policy...unless you are really good at lying."
\"I\'ve laid more pipe in this town than JB Warbashaw\"-Grumpy Old Men
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