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Old 09-20-2006, 04:01 AM
EXH1X5 EXH1X5 is offline
Hummer Veteran
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 50
EXH1X5 is off the scale

Originally Posted by BlueHUMMERH2
EXH1X5, your post is rediculous. Every client is a potential customer. Treating a client as someone less special based on his/her previous place of purchase is stupid. Every client, regardless of sex, religion, race, orientation, height, girth should be treated like everyone else, because every client could be a customer. I feel bad for you EXH1X5. I know you usually have intelligent posts, but this is not one of them. Your old school thought on customer relations is dead in today's market. There are simply too many brands, dealerships, and competitors. There's no room for the "take it or leave it" mentality.

And FYI, I know Aubs did buy his H2 AT Sutliff, at STICKER. Your comment with your silly, jumpy smilies is completely unjustified.

Oooops, you forgot the ...AMEN... at the end of your sermon!

Now take a running jump into the REAL WORLD!

IF?you had to make peace between as many HUMMER Dealers and HUMMER Owners as I have had to over the years, you'd know EXACTLY what I'm talking about! (dang, there goes those silly, jumping smiles did you say you turn them off?)
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